You can reach us in a variety of ways (pick your favorite):
We will contact you within 48 hours.
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We DO NOT sell instruments or service instruments
We DO NOT respond to GMAIL Addresses or YAHOO Addresses or non corporate email addresses.
You cannot send us controlled substances (e.g. HGH, Oxy, THC, Anabolic Steroids) without
proper DEA Registration (e.g. Court Order, Pharmacy, or Licensed Physician).

Consumer Resources
Q. Do you conduct testing for consumers?
I found a pill (or some substance) in my son's/ daughter's/ girlfriend's/ boyfriend's/
wife's/ husband's, etc. possession - WHAT IS IT and do you test for unknowns?
A: The short answer is "maybe". In general, the analytical testing we do is for pharmaceutical companies and other chemical development companies. We do test unknowns and have done so for consumers, although there are quite a few caveats when it comes to this area. It is usually cost prohibitive - typically $2000 and up. Second, if it's illegal to have whatever it is you want tested, we likely can't do it without a police department or court being involved (e.g. criminal complaint testing). Finally, if you don't know what it is, you send it to us, and it turns out to be an illegal or Controlled substance (e.g. THC, Oxycontin, heroin, methamphetamine, MDMA (ecstasy), anabolic steroids) then we are REQUIRED to notify the authorities - which may result in criminal charges for the person who had possession of the material.
If you simply what to know the identity of some pill you found, try these resources first:
Pill identifier databases:
Some other points:
- If you bought the meds on the INTERNET without a prescription (Rx), there's a VERY high likelihood they are fake or contain little to no active ingredient.
- Testing for "weird smells" or odors is incredibly complex and not something a consumer can usually afford.
- We don't test for asbestos, drugs in urine or blood, mold, diseases, water contamination, or food-born bacteria .
Finally, If you believe you received a prescription medication from a licensed pharmacy that is compromised, contaminated, or looks suspect, contact the drug manufacturer listed on the prescription label. They are required by the FDA to investigate patient complaints and (usually) do so quickly and for free.
If the above fails, contact us and we can give you some other resources or a quote.

Triclinic Labs, Inc.
2660 Schuyler Ave, Suite A.
Lafayette, IN 47905-3964
This is also the address to send samples via UPS, DHL, FedEx, USPS, etc. Please include
our sample submission form when sending samples. You can find it by clicking here

Phone, Text, & Fax:
Main: +1 765.588.6200Fax: +1 206.203.1188
Direct Numbers:
Analytical and Materials Testing
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5012 -
Solid-Form Screening and Selection
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5642 -
Crystalline and Amorphous (Non-crystalline) Materials Analysis
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5632 -
Method Development & cGMP Testing
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5634
Intellectual Property Support
Including Conflict Checks: +1 765.588.9538 -
Contaminant and Counterfeit Analysis:
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5007 - Contracts and Legal:
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.5624 - Finance and Accounting:
Info or Quotes: +1 765.588.9024
Click here for a list of other departments, subject matter experts, and contacts at Triclinic Labs.

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If we are available, enter your info to get started or leave us a message.


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See below for availability. We will send you all the details.
Fill in the request form:
Just tell us what you need and hit "submit"...We'll respond within 48 hours.